ForkForce At Toowoomba Forklift & Mining Expo

ForkForce At Toowoomba Forklift & Mining Expo

ForkForce Australia recently displayed its new Enforcer range of Maximal forklifts and Zowell walkie stackers at the 2012 Surat Basin Energy & Mining Expo.

It was our debut appearance at this major industry event – held in the Toowoomba Showgrounds in South-East Queensland – to promote our new and used forklift sales, hire and service packages.

The two-day expo attracted more than 6,400 visitors from Queensland, interstate and overseas to view the 400-plus exhibits assembled by over 1,000 different companies.

And right by the main entrance was ForkForce – which stood out across the busy event with its service van hoisted (extremely safely!) high in the air by one of our ‘big beefer’ 10 tonne lift capacity Enforcers.

Our stand attracted a total of 1,004 potential customers and resulted in total sales of around 10-14 forklifts and walkie stackers into QLD and northern NSW from pleased visitors at the event.

ForkForce’s appearance at the Toowoomba expo was perfectly timed with the opening of our regional office – Munlift by ForkForce – in the city just two months beforehand.

So it was great to meet many of our potential Darling Downs / Surat Basin customers in the flesh, while giving them the perfect opportunity to view our product range ‘up close and personal’.

ForkForce also gave away mini-diecast metal forklifts, caps, business folders, USB business cards, 5-in-1 tape measures, business cardholders, polo shirts, umbrellas, quality pens and chilled water bottles, as well as raffled off a free hand pallet jack.

See you at the 2013 Surat Basin Energy & Mining Expo with our latest Enforcer range of Maximal forklifts and Zowell walkie stackers including the new premium deluxe A-Series forklifts.

Munlift By ForkForce Regional Office

44 Priest Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350

Tel: 07 4634 6300

Fax: 07 4633 1906

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